CAUGHT City Manager, Planner, Public Works lying and breaking the law

Subject: Invitation to see Seaview Road Ponds
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 09:52:17 -0500
To Anyone With Concern for Seaview Terrace,

Confirming of Lie that the City does not perform work on private property.

1. Per resident of 27 Seaview Terrace, called City DPW in 2009 to file complaint that ditch between 27 and 23 Seaview is not draining and infested with insects.

2. City brought in heavy equipment to dig out ditch to allow flow from accumulating stormwater from 27 and 23 Seaview Terrace to drain into stream (which is illegal, hence the lie in #  to eradicate for this illegal work by City Officials per City Attorney) and against .

3. Joe Slocum, Bob Richards, Wayne Marshall continually denied any City work.

4. After many months of my pressing and protesting, Joe Slocum begrudgingly admitted that work was done between 27 and 23 Seaview but it was over 8 years ago. Now in this lie, he is saying over 8 years ago because of the 7 year statute of limitation. A City official had informed me of the "magic #7".

5. After more protesting and pressing for logs, Bob Richards produced logs that the work was done on 10/1/2009. Joe Slocum is now claiming ,
a. well, OK the work that Joe Slocum said never happened, DID!!
b. well, where Joe Slocum now cornered said the work now happened 8 years ago, DIDN'T!!
c. well, where Joe Slocum further cornered with the actual logs showing the work was done on private property, Joe now counters that it was done to keep the water away from the road. LIE!! See #1.

Per City Attorney, Bill Kelly's letter to Council dated 12/27/2011;
 "I am significantly influenced by the fact that in 1987, an engineer was hired by the City as in referenced in the attached document, and he found no evidence of any obligation of the City to maintain the stream/drainage swale in that area at that time. That was 24 years ago. I have to assume that when the matter was freshly being discussed in 1987, they also looked at the historical evidence of the prior 20 years in terms of any control or maintenance over that drainage swale as exercised by the City. I have not found any evidence that the City was ever deeded any form of easement or took control of it."  

WHY WAS THIS "ATTACHED DOCUMENT" WITH HELD FROM ME UNTIL YOU BROUGHT IT OUT IN AN EFFORT TO USE AGAINST ME? This was done per the original 1967 property owner's request for City accountability for the beginning of flooding Seaview Terrace in 1987. I requested the full history of Seaview Terrace drainage and development in May 2011. Wall maps went missing, vital information and more maps with held, and I was sent everywhere except to the holder of the information, the Tax Assessor's office where all is in a file. So shameful is this City. Joe Slocum further defending? himself saying his system is a mess and how he went to 3 places to find information. Really, this is what we are paying him 90K for?? Does he do this daily or is this a muse to avoid accountability? I'm sure all the records to do the Front Street Shipyard and Harbor Walk and any City wannabe projects are front and center, clean as a whistle.

Per that same letter to Council, 12/27/2011, Kelly states "City officials are legally precluded from improving private property with public money for any purpose including private property." Not. See #1 again.

Finally, while you are cornering Wayne Marshall in your work shop, I request Diane Beck to confirm where she and the planning board approved the ONLY point of stormwater annex drainage into the stream between 5 and 11 Seaview Terrace at the site visit. Note that prior to the street meeting I requested exact confirmation for this point of drainage. Instead I was provided with a proposed site plan (I requested 2, one for the Costello's), issue date 6/13/11. There was not any detail of the stormwater path- only 3 arrows pointing towards my property and Costello's where an unknown and unapproved path has been draining into the stream from the annex. I brought that map to the site meeting and showed it to Mike Hogan in the backyard of the Costello's where we were all gathered. I asked him to confirm that the stormwater would be draining ONLY at the approved spot between 5 and 11 Seaview where Diane stood. He said YES. It has been another next to impossible request for written confirmation of this exact stormwater exit because Wayne Marshall and Mike Hogan are not complying with the Site Approval. Frank Costello was also present at this site meeting.

Mike Hurley and many saw me protesting yesterday. Support is overwhelming and empowering, I've only just begun. The Power of One. I'm working on a new poster.

Something like the 4C's of Corruption
City -------
City -------
City -------
City -------y

Immediate (complete this summer) stormwater diversion from outside our neighborhood
Immediate (now) confirmation of Annex stormwater drain into stream at 5 and 11 Seaview
Immediate (complete this summer) road repair and accompanying storm water drainage

If you have the courage to visit Seaview Terrace today, you will see all the ponds and water roadside that put Joe Slocum's excuse for doing private property work to save the road untrue. The stormwater at that site is one of the only area's where the water isn't roadside and WAS not then.

Haven't you tortured us enough?


Laurie Allen

PS- Bob Whitely could not reassess my deteriorating property/neighborhood. Currently, there are 3 properties for sale stream side. I was recently contacted by a buyer interested in 27 Seaview. The buyer was not informed of the stormwater issues from the realtor, Town and Country nor at a visit to Wayne Marshall. Makes my skin crawl to have Belfast represented this way. There are so many wonderful people here, volunteers galore- I would so rather be helping and spreading joy. It's nice protesting and talking with so many kind people. With warmer weather I could do that every day :)  WABI TV was there yesterday but was busy for a court hearing- will come back another day. 

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